
The platfom strategy allows you to take a holistic view across the organization and allow the creation of core services. These core foundational services would power the innovation and provide platform guidance to all business services across the enterprise. With a digital platform strategy, you are able to promote re-use of core assets, adopt emerging technology more readily, and make technology updates and changes with minimal impact on other parts of the business. Knoldus has expertise in exposing your business capabilities as easily consumable services; building self-service access to data, evolutionary architecture patterns, and advanced delivery infrastructure.

Platform strategy

Knoldus Digital Platform Strategy (KDP) provides the strategic analysis, prioritization models, and communication frameworks to maximize investments in modern, cloud-native technology tools, patterns, and practices. Our approach co-delivers mission-critical architecture and software alongside our clients, ensuring platform technology strategy delivers tangible value. In addition, we deliver the necessary engineering and architecture organization upskilling that enables our clients to steer their platform efforts into the future.

Continuous Delivery, Microservices, API Strategy and DevOps are all powerful, but complex, tools and techniques, and they can be difficult to deploy effectively in organizations with a sprawling estate of legacy systems and significant technical, architectural and process debt. Successfully driving a cross-disciplinary transformation to tangible, business-meaningful outcomes is both an art and a science. We collaborate with our clients to customize our KDP strategy and implementation blueprint with a focus on unlocking near-term business priorities through incremental, pragmatic delivery. Knoldus DP brings 10+ years of real-world experience delivering architecture evolution.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Case Study


Knoldus helps HPE not only build customer value, but also gain momentum for analytics transformation.

Digital Platforms Is The Key Ingredient For The Success In Today's Digital Economy


Digital Platforms Is The Key Ingredient For The Success In Today's Digital Economy.

Financial Services Industry


Accelerate IT modernization initiatives by unlocking value from today's technologies while preparing for future integration needs

Simplify security to empower innovation in Healthcare


Simplify security to empower innovation in Healthcare

The Platform Strategy – ignore it at your own peril


The Platform Strategy – ignore it at your own peril

Other Services

Data strategy & Analytics

High Performance Systems

Intelligence Driven Decisioning

Expert Services

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