Scala is a powerful functional programming language for building solid systems and ambitious projects. This course has been designed to cover the fundamentals of the language and provide beginners with enough knowledge of its features to be successful in developing projects in Scala.
One year of experience with any object-oriented or functional programming language.
The Scala REPL
Scala programs and common patterns
Algebraic data types
Types: Classes, Objects, Case classes, Traits, Tuples, Literals and Option.
Collections: List, Maps, Sets, Ranges, Sequences, Array, Iterables, Traversable.
Statements: Pattern Matching, For-expression, Implicit.
Functions: Higher Order Functions, Partially Applied Functions, Partial Functions, Infix/Postfix Operation, Byname Parameters, Repeated Params.
Type classes as an extension of the Scala type system.
2 Days
Online Instructor Led
Maximum Class Size of 15
Access to Course Materials
Certificate of Completion
Access to a Private Channel with Trainers in the Academy Slack
A Q&A session one week post-course
A pre-and-post meeting with our trainers