
Scalable and Distributed Enterprise Grade Applications with Functional Java

Java is a programming language used by millions of developers to create powerful applications for various businesses. More than half of the world’s best-known applications are powered by Java, a distinctive factor that asserts why you should use it to orchestrate the future state of your business.

Knoldus have a long-standing experience in creating cutting-edge applications using Java’s ever-evolving technologies and frameworks. Access our top Java development engineers who have experience with the JVM ecosystem and hundreds of battle-tested libraries will help you achieve your business goals.

Knoldus offers services like

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Project Development

Java popularity and maturity offers tools and abstractions to model your business and create systems that scale. We build on the solid foundations of the Java and Spring ecosystem which allow us to create business-critical software applications.

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Microservices or Modular Monolith

We assess your needs and design system tailored to your business. Let it be Scalable Microservices or modular monolith. With Spring Cloud, Micronaut or Quarkus we can deliver applications that will give you an edge over your competition.

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Custom Java Development

Extensive know-how and reach technology background allow our team of software engineering specialists to achieve goals even for the most complex project. We perform legacy applications modernization, complex applications integration, development of custom solutions for any industry.

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Java API development

Our java developers are expert in creating light-weight, high performance and secure REST API which can be consumed by any front end or 3rd party applications.

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Java Migration & Integration

We offer expertise in migrating your existing business application platform to Java to incorporate continuously evolving business demands, modern architecture, intuitive UI/UX and latest web standards.

Why choose Knoldus for Java Development?

Cross-domain Expertise

Our experience with Scala and using functional paradigms in Scala equips us to leverage the best out of Java. We've been delivering end-to-end solutions for various industries for over 10+ years.

Cross-domain Expertise

Skilled and passionate engineers

Our proactive development teams are able to quickly approach complex business domains. We love to explore the new coming java libraries & tools and share the knowledge with the community.

Skilled and passionate engineers

Proven Results & Satisfied Partners

With Java, we do NOT work in the legacy way. The code is immutable, has pure functions, and no side effects. Our work on Java 8 has also won accolades in the industry.

Proven Results & Satisfied Partners

Best Practices and better code quality

Every engineer at Knoldus adheres to the code quality standards. We integrate all the required code quality plugins at the start of the development and keep the test case coverage > 90%.

Best Practices and better code quality

Technologies we leverage:

Some of the popular application development frameworks and integration tools around Java we use to develop your software


Clients for whom we built future ready products on Java

Case Study

Knoldus gave a digital facelift to the age-old legacy application of this global cruise company to completely transform the guest experience

Case Study

A health technology company digitizes the aging and caregiving platform with the help of Knoldus API solution.

Case Study

Knoldus helps a leading APAC stock exchange to transforms their process and improves efficiency.

What’s new in Java?

We share our insights about a variety of programming and software-development related subjects, not only Java! Follow us on Linkedin or Twitter.

Java Blogs

Java Blogs

Learn how to write scalable or functional applications quickly with Java.

Introductory workshops, where you can clarify your doubts, enhance your network with spark enthusiasts


Asynchronous programming with functional java.

An interactive session about spark with a live demo

Webinar/KnolX Sessions

An interactive session about Java with a live demo.

Start with Functional Java with our ready-to-deploy templates

Java Virtual Thread (Loom)

This template show how we can use the virtual thread to implement countDownLatch.

Java - Lambda Expressions

This template shows us how to convert anonymous functions into lambdas


This template shows how we can use make our microservice fault tolerant using Resilience4j-Bukhead.

Java-8 Stream Api

This template consist code snippets implementing java 8 stream api methods with test cases and documentation

Java-9 Modularity

Sample depicting how modularity works and basic requirements for implementing modularity in Java


How to use java 11 http client.

Books we've published on Java

Building Thought Leadership in Global Java Events with our insights


Tech Triveni

Why should a Java programmer shift towards Functional Programming Paradigm?


Tech Triveni

Let’s go Reactive with Java.


LinkedIn Showcase Page

Keep yourself updated with the latest Java features and answers a few trivia.


Functional Programming Certifications we’ve taken with Specialization in Java

Functional Programming Certifications we’ve taken with Specialization in Java

Lightbend Akka Streams for Java - Professional

Lightbend Akka Cluster - Sharding (Java)

Lightbend Java Language Futures

Lightbend Java Language Lambdas

Functional Programming Certifications we’ve taken with Specialization in Java

Reactive Architecture - an introduction

Reactive Architecture - Domain Driven Design

Reactive Architecture -Reactive Microservices

Reactive Architecture - Building Scalable Systems

Reactive Architecture - Distributed Messaging

Reactive Architecture - CQRS and Event Sourcing

Ready to build functional solutions? Let’s talk

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